Explore all the businesses listed in Mimico by the Lake. Come, relax, and have fun, with all the restaurants, shops, and services that are available by the lake.
Check out all the possible parking options and locations in Mimico by the Lake. It’s easy to find parking lots close to the events and businesses you’re going to in Mimico by the Lake.
In partnership with our local government and community organizations, Mimico by the Lake provides annual events such as the Summer Music Series, Pumpkin Parade and Winter Tree Lighting.
The Mimico by the Lake BIA was established in 1985 with an objective to introduce new businesses to our area, attracting residents and organizing events to help cultivate a lively vibe and harbour community spirit among the locals.
Running from Allen Ave to Alexander St., the Mimico by the Lake BIA is home to over 75 vibrant, unique, and Canadian owned businesses. A stone's throw away from the downtown core, our little stretch of Lakeshore moves just a little bit slower. Our days are filled with long afternoon walks along the Waterfront Trail and inspired conversations with our neighbours.